What happens to link value over time


Over time, not so much backlinks lose weight in the eyes of search engines as the content in which they are posted.

This was pointed out by John Mueller during the last SEO webinar. Googleman was asked a question:

“Do inbound links lose value over time? That is, can we say that old backlinks are no longer so important when compared with new ones? "

Search engine employee response:

“Well, I don’t know, why don’t you ask the opposite question - is it true that age backlinks have more weight in the eyes of a search engine? Can this be allowed too?
In general, speaking from an SEO London standpoint, your question indicates that you are paying unreasonable attention to links. This is the first thing.
Secondly, you should understand that we are not closely monitoring the age of inbound links. The development of the entire site is much more important for us.
Let me explain. Let's say you got a backlink from a news site from an article that is posted on the home page. This is a very relevant material at the moment, because for us the outgoing link in it is very valuable.
However, the news site does not stand still, but develops. This means that the aforementioned article will eventually be no longer on the first, but on the second page. Or even somewhere in the archive or in a heading with articles that were published 50 years ago. Obviously, such content can no longer boast of the previous relevance.
Considering such examples, I repeat, it is not backlinks that are aging, but donor sites are developing. True, we must admit that this situation is more typical of news resources that are constantly updated. "


  1. The best of the best synthetic urine brands out there, at least based on reviews, Quick Fix claims to help you pass a drug test and keep your job. You only need to follow simple instructions, which come with the package.  The urine is just like real pee — it smells, foams, and is colored similarly. And getting it to the right temperature is no biggie. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Quick Fix opened its doors 25 years ago (at the time of writing). They’ve since been updating their formulations, keeping them current with testing standards. Want to learn more? Let’s dig into this review — one of the best Quick Fix synthetic urine reviews you’ve ever bumped into. Pros Cons Whether you’re looking to pass a drug test, engage in wet-sex simulation, scare the deer away, or even prank someone, fake pee is the way to go. For good reason. Just make sure to consider the following factors before grabbing your bottle of synthetic urine with both hands. Drinking plenty of water during a detoxification period is a must. Water is a good cleanser, and it naturally gets rid of toxins and impurities from your body through urination. That is why frequent urination is a sign the detox process is going well. However, do not go on drinking gallons of water, because excessively drinking water does not speed up the process. Instead, regularly drink water and maintain a good level to stay hydrated. Eventually, your body will expel different types of toxins from your body.


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